Cookie Policy

Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 “General Data Protection Regulation” (hereinafter “ GDPR ”) Doc srl with registered office in Corso della Repubblica 151, Latina (LT), Italy as owner of the website (hereinafter “ Mancinelli 1954 ” or “ Owner ”) provides you with the following information relating to the cookies installed on the domain (hereinafter, “ Site ”).

What are cookies?

Cookies are small fragments of text, usually consisting of letters and/or numbers, which are sent from the Site and stored by the browser installed on the device you use for navigation. Cookies are then retransmitted to the Site on your subsequent visit.

Cookies allow you to store information about your visits to the Site and are a very useful technology, because they help the Site function, making it more efficient. Without cookies, the Site would have no way of "remembering" certain information, such as the contents of your shopping cart.

Cookies can be classified according to:

  • duration: session or persistent cookies;
  • origin: first-party or third-party cookies;
  • purposes: strictly necessary cookies, performance analysis cookies and behavioural advertising cookies.

Cookies that expire at the end of a browser session (usually when the browser is closed or the session expires) are called session cookies and are useful, for example, to keep the browsing session active. Cookies that are stored for a longer period of time (between sessions) are called persistent cookies and are useful, for example, to remember your preferences or to propose targeted advertising.

The definition of first party or third party refers to the website or domain that installs the cookie. First party cookies are installed directly by the Site, while third party cookies are installed by a different domain, for example, if the Site incorporates elements from other services, such as advertising platforms.

It is important to specify that the purposes usually performed by a cookie can also be achieved through other similar technologies, including the use of certain features that allow you to identify devices in order to analyze visits to the Site. This information, in fact, applies to any technology that stores or accesses information on your device. This category may include, for example, HTML5 local storage, Local Shared Objects (also called flash cookies ) and fingerprinting techniques. From now on, when we talk about cookies, this definition will also include other similar technologies.

What are the purposes of the cookies used by this site?

Strictly necessary cookies ( Strictly necessary cookies ) allow the correct functioning of the Site and allow you to use its contents and services easily: in fact, for example, you can navigate the site while keeping the contents of the cart or you will not have to perform any action on the banner containing the brief information each time you access the Site, because the choice on consents will be recorded. Strictly necessary cookies cannot be disabled and your prior consent is not required for their installation. These cookies are stored in your browser for the time necessary to ensure the correct functioning of the Site.

Analysis and statistics cookies ( Performance analytics cookies ) are installed to measure some information relating to the use and navigation of the Site, in order to improve its performance. In particular, these cookies are useful for statistically analyzing accesses or visits to the Site, in order to optimize its structure, navigation logic and content. These cookies collect exclusively aggregate and therefore anonymous information, therefore your consent is not necessary.

Functionality cookies allow the Site to provide some advanced features and customizations. These cookies are not necessary for the Site to function, so your consent is required for their installation.

Marketing and retargeting cookies ( Targeting cookies ) are used to track your browsing on the Site to analyze your behavior for marketing purposes and create a profile of your tastes, habits and choices. In this way, the Data Controllers can send you targeted advertising messages in relation to your interests and in line with the preferences you have expressed while browsing. These cookies are not necessary for the functioning of the Site, therefore your consent is required for their installation.

A complete list of all information relating to installed cookies is provided in the “ Preferences ” section, present on the banner that appears upon first access to any page of the Site, and in any case consultable via the link in the footer of the Site.

How do I manage my cookie preferences?
When you first access any page of the Site, there is a banner containing a brief notice and a link that allows you to open the COOKIE CONSENT CENTER through which you can easily choose which cookies to install. You can access the cookie consent center at any time and easily through a specific link in the footer of the Site.
In addition to the above, you can also change the cookie settings through the browser used, deleting all or some cookies or limiting the sending of cookies to certain sites. Below are the instructions for changing the cookie settings for the most common browsers used:

Disabling cookies or deleting them could compromise the optimal use of some areas of the Site or prevent some functions, as well as affect the functioning of third-party services.

Communication and dissemination of data

The data collected using cookies may be processed by employees and collaborators of the company functions responsible for pursuing the purposes indicated above, who have been expressly authorized to process and who have received adequate operating instructions. Such data may also be processed by trusted companies that perform technical and organizational tasks on behalf of Mancinelli 1954. These companies act as data controllers. In particular, the data may be processed by external parties operating as independent controllers such as, for example, authorities and supervisory and control bodies.

Your rights

By contacting the Data Controller by sending an email to or, alternatively, to the addresses indicated at the bottom of this paragraph, you can request from both parties access to the data concerning you, their cancellation, the limitation of processing in the cases provided for by art. 18 of the GDPR, as well as opposition to processing in the cases of legitimate interest of both Data Controllers.
In the event that the processing is based on consent or on the contract and is carried out with automated tools, you have the right to receive the data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as, if technically feasible, to transmit them to another owner without impediments.
You also have the right to withdraw consent for non-essential cookies without affecting the functioning and functionality of the Site. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

Mancinelli 1954 has appointed a Data Protection Officer (hereinafter, “ DPO ”):